Andy Forrester is our Hero! 


Andy dressed up at allotment


 Andy has been a local hero volunteering at        Playbusters for many happy years! He has made a  huge impact to the East End and is always busy  helping others and making them feel special. Andy is  an outstanding member of his community who  motivates everyone around him.  


 Andy is a special person. He is modest and cares for  others. He gets on with anyone of any age or  background. He helps bring people together and  builds a sense of 'community'. Andy has a lust for life  and there really seems no end to his energy and  enthusiasm. He is a wonderful person who is an  inspiration to us all.We love Andy!  



 Community Allotment


 Andy spends many hours coordinating the allotment  working with adult volunteers and young people of all  abilities. He shows them how to take care of the  allotment which teaches them patience and people  love to spend time with Andy there. He promotes a  healthy lifestyle and encourages others to do the  same. Local people can access a growing space  which helps them learn about environmental issues,  healthy eating and growing vegetables.Without   Andy this wonderful resource simply could not function. 



Allotment Heritage Projectandy at allotment


Andy was a key member of the Allotment heritage group which looked at the history of the Westhorn allotments on London Road. This involved interviewing plot holders and presenting their discoveries to allotment holders throughout Glasgow. The group involved in the project sang 'Andy's our Sunshine' to the tune of 'You are my sunshine' at the presentation at Trade's Hall which was well received by everyone, especially Andy!!







Andy completed the 50 hour ‘Activate’ community development introduction delivered by Glasgow University for community activists.



commonwealth fitness challengeCommonwealth Fitness Challenge


 Andy was a key member who brought together older  and younger people to participate in activities  together such as badminton, table tennis, carpet  bowls and salsacise. He also finds time to attend the  gym regularly to keep him fit.










Voluntary Board of Directors


Andy is on our Voluntary Board of Directors. He has shown huge support to the organisation, volunteers and the community. He supports community events and his continued input has allowed the worthwhile community work at Playbusters to continue.



Connecting Generations

schools - connecting generations

Andy has been instrumental in this programme which brings people of all ages together through sharing skills, stories and spending quality time together. This breaks down barriers and combats negative stereotypes. It gets people talking which gives them a better understanding of each other and the issues they face. Andy passes on interesting stories to young people about what life used to be like and he has learned some new skills himself on the wii.






Youth Achievement Award


Andy is working towards his ‘Youth Achievement’ award even though he is in his 70s it shows there is no age barrier! The award sees individuals setting themselves challenges and being awarded for their achievements. 


Bill Ben Weed at city chambers


 Lord Provost's Parade

 Andy participated in Lord Provost’s Parade as  part of the famous ‘Bill and Ben’ duo. He is a  fantastic ambassador for Playbusters and an  impressive role model for other people his age  (and younger!) showing his great sense of fun and  adventure.








 Andy and PAGE



Pensioner’s Action Group East


Andy is the chairperson for 'PAGE' and spends a huge amount of time improving life for East End pensioners by providing support. He has visited sheltered housing residents.





Dads and Kids Club


Andy encourages families to spend quality time at the Dads and Kids club which provides a safe environment for them to play games and talk. Activities such as the cinema, sports or eating out can be expensive so this alternative provides a free and friendly place which improves family relationships.