Playbusters, SPT and staff at Shettleston Train Station are working together on the 'Adopt a Station' project. The aim of this is to give local people the opportunity to transform their local train station. The project is split into two categories. The first is ran through Playbusters' 'Grow Green' service who plan to tranform the agricultural areas of the train station by planting flowers. It is hoped that this will make visiting the station a much more pleasant experience.
There will also be a historical dimension to the project. It is hoped that through involving local people we will be able to build up a historical profile of Shettleston. We then aim to create outdoor displays of historical images of Shettleston. This will also contain an artistic twist, with the display of artwork created by local school children.
If you would like to get involved in this great project please contact us on 0141 551 0071 or speak to Shettleston Train Station staff. We would love to hear from you!